




WeWrite for friend groups


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WeWrite for friend groups


Friend groups, like all social groups, tend to form around a sense of shared reality, peoples interactions develop into a world-building exercise with common language, memes, inside jokes, etc.

One use case of WeWrite is that it could useful for capturing this lore.

Instead of things being lost to the general chatter of the group chat, you could create a private wiki just for your friend group. Pages might include drunk quotes by the resident jokester, everyone's collective plan for the apocalypse, etc.

Many of these stories in our friend groups would be too cringe to post publicly, nor would that even be desirable (as we saw with that one extremely online Brooklynite who embarrassingly claimed to have invented concept of "living near your friends" which she branded as some revolutionary new social technology.)

I digress. The donation pool tool could also be a way for friend groups to donate over time to a vacation fund or something. That'd be fun.

Read about more use cases for WeWrite here.

Friend groups, like all social groups, tend to form around a sense of shared reality, peoples interactions develop into a world-building exercise with common language, memes, inside jokes, etc.

One use case of WeWrite is that it could useful for capturing this lore.

Instead of things being lost to the general chatter of the group chat, you could create a private wiki just for your friend group. Pages might include drunk quotes by the resident jokester, everyone's collective plan for the apocalypse, etc.

Many of these stories in our friend groups would be too cringe to post publicly, nor would that even be desirable (as we saw with that one extremely online Brooklynite who embarrassingly claimed to have invented concept of "living near your friends" which she branded as some revolutionary new social technology.)

I digress. The donation pool tool could also be a way for friend groups to donate over time to a vacation fund or something. That'd be fun.

Read about more use cases for WeWrite here.

Friend groups, like all social groups, tend to form around a sense of shared reality, peoples interactions develop into a world-building exercise with common language, memes, inside jokes, etc.

One use case of WeWrite is that it could useful for capturing this lore.

Instead of things being lost to the general chatter of the group chat, you could create a private wiki just for your friend group. Pages might include drunk quotes by the resident jokester, everyone's collective plan for the apocalypse, etc.

Many of these stories in our friend groups would be too cringe to post publicly, nor would that even be desirable (as we saw with that one extremely online Brooklynite who embarrassingly claimed to have invented concept of "living near your friends" which she branded as some revolutionary new social technology.)

I digress. The donation pool tool could also be a way for friend groups to donate over time to a vacation fund or something. That'd be fun.

Read about more use cases for WeWrite here.


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